A comprehensive teen outreach program designed to raise awareness, support victims, and empower young people to end dating abuse.

Since 2009, APFC has anonymously surveyed 21,677 teens in New Jersey about abuse in relationships:


say that dating abuse is happening at their school.


of students say they've been abused in a current or past relationship.


of students would first reach out to a friend for advice rather than a parent, school counselor, or hotline.


of students tell us that they have witnessed domestic violence at home (est. 6,720 families affected!).

Components of PowerBack

Teen Forums

A dyanmic, 90-minute "Dating Abuse 101" presentation that includes a confidential survey (results provided to school leaders) and concludes with a "call to action" so students can sign up to join PowerBack and become a peer leader.

PowerBack Teen Advocate (PTA) Presentations

Includes six (6) presentations for teen volunteers that are designed to deepen their understanding of the issue, break down current events, and provide support on real-life issues. PTAs become of agents of change by developing and implementing outreach events on campus.

Adult Presentations

We provide a workshop for either parents, faculty, clinical staff or administrators where they can learn how to safely help teen victims, how to approach abusers, and how to efficiently document incidents on campus.

Individual Support

APFC provides information, referral or individual psycho-educational counseling support to any teen victim who is being abused by a partner or who witnesses abuse at home.


APFC provides presentations to school clubs, tabling events where we disseminate information and answer questions, and "Drop-In" days to help teens one-on-one with private sessions with our Program Manager.

How can my school or teen-focused community group participate?

Current funding levels restrict the amount of services we can deliver. Please contact us for information at: PowerBack@APartnershipForChange.org

PowerBack is FREE to participating schools and community groups.

Since 2009, the PowerBack program has...

certified 622 PowerBack teen peer leaders in New Jersey.

provided 875 teen victims and 79 adult victims with support and referrals.

educated 2,165 adults (school counselors, faculty, parents/guardians).

reached 20,000+ teens at awareness events.

Download a copy of a Teen Safety Plan by clicking here: