What is IPVA?

    • Domestic violence and dating abuse are local and national epidemics.


    • IPVA is a valuable, in-depth, professional development series for those on the front lines.


  • Participants emerge significantly enhancing their knowledge and skills in working with victims of IPV.

If you’re a social worker, LPC, advocate, social service or healthcare professional, it’s likely that you will encounter a victim of IPV.

  • Do you know how to respond?
  • Are you aware of the risk factors?
  • Do you know how to safety plan?
  • Are you aware of resources for support?

In IPVA, you will acquire the practical tools and essential information you need to provide safe and effective support to victims.

Since 2009, 450+ professionals have attended with 100% reporting on confidential evaluations that they would recommend IPVA to colleagues.

How can you receive an IPVA Certification?

The Intimate Partner Violence Advocate (IPVA) Certification Program is a unique educational opportunity to increase your knowledge and to enhance your intervention skills with victims of all ages.

IPVA consists of five workshops. Objectives for each class are outlined below. Professional credits are available!

IPVA Webinars

$89 per class or $399 for all five in the series.

All classes provided via Zoom
Time for all classes: 9:30am to 1:30pm

2025 Dates Below

Full IPVA Certification Bundle

Register here for all classes in one bundle (all classes run from 9:30am-1:30pm)

  • Tuesday, March 25: DV 101
  • Thursday, April 10: DV 102: Understanding the Victim
  • Wednesday, April 23: Effects of Domestic Violence on Children
  • Tuesday, May 6: Teen Dating Abuse
  • Thursday, May 22: DV 103: Advocacy & Community Response

Domestic Violence (DV)"101"

Social Workers and LPC's: 4 non-clinical credits

  • Identify and define all types of abuse and the dynamics of power and control
  • Identify the risk factors associated with leaving an abuser
  • Identify safe and effective intervention strategies to support victims and their families
  • Identify components of a safety plan and resources for support

DV 102: Understanding the Victim

Social Worker and LPC's: 3.5 clinical credits and .5 social/cultural competence credits

  • Define the emotional and behavior impact of abuse on victim and their family, friends and co-workers
  • Identify barriers that prevent victims from leaving and the dangers associated with leaving the abuser
  • Learn how culture, religion, community, race, age, gender, ability or sexual orientation impacts a victim’s decisions and options
  • Define the meaning of empowerment to a victim
  • Identify essential information that victims will need so they can identify their options and make informed decisions

Effects of Domestic Violence on Children

Social Workers and LPC's: 4 non-clinical credits

  • Define the effects of witnessing domestic violence on children from birth to age 18
  • Identify appropriate intervention techniques to use with the child and with the non-offending parent
  • Recognize behaviors of the batterer and victim as parents
  • Learn how to properly document incidents, develop safety plans, and identify resources for support
  • Develop protocol for safe and effective workplace response (at school, daycare, healthcare facility, community organization)

Teen Dating Abuse

Social Workers and LPC's: 4 non-clinical credits

  • Define the dynamics and types of teen dating violence
  • Identify the warning signs that indicate a teen may be a victim or an abuser
  • Identify strategies to effectively identify, approach and support teens
  • Develop teen safety plans, identify effective prevention and awareness strategies
  • Identify age-appropriate resource and referral information for support

DV 103: Advocacy & Community Response

This class does not offer CEU's but is needed to receive the IPVA certification

  • Understand the importance of cultivating a coordinated community response to victims
  • Identify the challenges of working within the community, legal, business, healthcare, social service, and education systems
  • Identify strategies that help to navigate the current system processes designed to support victims
  • Learn ways to play a role in your community or workplace to raise awareness and launch prevention-based activities
    Note: DV101 or equivalent is pre-requisite for this class.

Additional Info

Please Note: The IPVA series this spring will be completely virtual.

Cost: $89 per class, OR $399 for all five (5) in the series. Handouts will be provided. Certificates will be given after completion of each class.

Location: Zoom format – Link will be provided a few days before each class.

Time: All classes run from 9:30AM-1:30PM (Breaks provided)

Registration: Seats Go Fast – Registration is Required

To reserve your spot and pay by check: Email us at IPVA@APartnershipforChange.org

To register and pay by credit card, click the “Register Now” button for the class (or bundle) above.

Important! Please note that:

  • DV101 or equivalent is prerequisite for DV103.
  • Classes may be taken individually, but all five classes are required for the IPVA Certification.
  • Insights on Batterer Behavior: Addendum Class (optional). This class is offered after the IPVA series is completed.

Information on Professional Credits (Social Workers, LPC's)

Required steps for successful completion:
Attendees must complete the entire class, and the evaluation given at the end in order to receive credits.


• DV 101 (Approval # 0802316599-1A), Effects of Domestic Violence on Children (Approval # 0802316599-3A) and Teen Dating Abuse (Approval # 0802316599-4A) are approved for continuing education by the NJ Social Work Continuing Education Approval Collaborative, which is administered by NASW-NJ. CE Approval Collaborative period September 2022- August 2024. NJ social workers will receive four (4) non-clinical continuing education hours for participating in each of these courses:


• DV 102 (Approval # 0802316599-2A) is approved for continuing education by the NJ Social Work Continuing Education Approval Collaborative, which is administered by NASW-NJ. CE Approval Collaborative period September 2022-August 2024. NJ social workers will receive 3.5 clinical credits and 0.5 social/cultural competence continuing education hours for participating in this course:


The speakers have nothing to disclose; there are no conflicts of interest, sponsorship, or financial/commercial support being supplied for these activities. Workshops are based on best practices that acknowledge and respect the needs of victims from diverse populations


Participants have included staff from these NJ organizations:


Burlington County Dept. of Human Services
Catholic Charities
Central Jersey Family Health Consortium (CJFHC)
Family Partners of Hudson County
Hackensack Meridian Health
Newark Board of Education
Oaks Integrated Care
Preferred Behavioral Health Group
Prevent Child Abuse NJ
SAVE of Essex


Staff from the Camden, Somerset, and Cape May counties Prosecutor’s Office
School nurses and counselors
Advocates from the State Office of Victim Witness Advocacy….and many, many more!


Comments on their evaluations included:

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